"I've never felt more excited to practice!"

The HIIP Method is a dynamic, insightful, and highly motivating course! Delving into The HIIP Method helped to transform my mindset around practice, from something that is necessary yet often mundane, to an activity that is super engaging and effective as a result of embracing a different approach.

I now feel equipped with the tools and strategies to implement that will result in truly meaningful practice and in turn help me to progress my own musical development at a much faster rate. Undertaking this course provided me with an opportunity to put my own practice habits under the microscope, reflect and ultimately create a practice plan that is instrument specific and sustainable.

I would highly recommend this course to all aspiring musicians. I've never felt more excited to practice!

Brienne Gawler | Oboe


From frustration to clarity!

My practice habits were actually very strong before starting The HIIP Method Course; however, I was often frustrated that no matter how many hours I would practice in a given day, I never felt like I could properly address everything I wanted.

Having now taken The HIIP Method Course, I feel a sense of clarity when deciding how to prioritise different areas of my practice. I have identified exactly what my instrument requires for optimal performance, and I feel that I now have the tools to address these in a more efficient and effective way.

The Course was beautifully presented in a positive, light, and enjoyable way. I never felt like I was getting an entire book of information thrown at me and the modules fit nicely into my practice breaks!

Fundamentally changing the way we practice can be very intimidating and almost threatening in a way; however, the course provided a structure to make the transition a natural and easy process.

Joel Walmsley | Trumpet


It's a surefire plan to reach your goals!

The HIIP Method is an extremely useful tool for musicians, particularly those with busy schedules who want their practice to be as optimal as possible.

This course is an excellent guide to removing unproductive practice habits and building a sustainable plan for the most productive practice, in the shortest time frame.

I highly recommend it to any musician looking for a surefire plan to reach their goals.

Chris Haycroft | Bassoon